Well HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! This is my first post of the year and I think it is very fitting for where God is taking me this year! I have been thinking about where God has brought me from and where He's taking me to. I have written about some of my circumstances and situations that I'm facing. I often think about how these things are going to make me better, because in my experiences I know that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD! I have decided to stop focusing on the WHY and focus more on HOW God is going to use it for His Glory! Recently in listening to a message by Bishop TD Jakes about Transformational Thinking he provided a good analogy on how to view where God has you in this phase of your life. In the analogy he discussed the dark place as being planted by God. In that moment I recognize that I am in my DARK PLACE...and that it's exactly where God wants me to be.
As things transpire in my life I recognize that God does not set out to hurt me or punish me for all the wrong that I've done in my life. God uses our experiences to strengthen us and humble us so that we will be of even greater use to Him. It is our responsibility to use what we learn and share it with others. As we learn we should share our revelation with others, ministering to those who are lost and haven't found their way! That's our responsibility as Christians. Bishop Jakes used the example of a seed being planted.
Think about the process of the seed:
- The ground is hollowed out for placement of the seed (Situations arise)
- The seed is placed in the ground (The situation occurs and we are attempting to figure out how to deal with it)
- The seed is covered with dirt (God allows us to be hurt, persecuted, disappointed, etc. but covers us and remains with us the entire time)
- The seed is watered, and the sun shines to help it grow (God send His word to water us while underground, and uses people in our lives to support us and bring about some joy and happiness even while we're in our dark place)
- Grows to be a beautiful plant and provide nourishment or beauty to the world (We grow and overcome the obstacles, and birth ministry and become a blessing to the world)
God has planted me and I am covered in dirt. It's dark in this place, but I'm covered by God. While underground, God send the rain to water me, the sunlight to beam on me. It develops me and humbles me. My priorities are being realigned, people are being removed from my life. I'm in a spiritual incubator and God is transforming me. I recognize that I'm not like everyone else...and that's ok. To whom much is given, much is required! I have an assignment and I must walk in my call...everyone can't go where I'm going and that's ok too. My soul has been arrested by the Lord. I have become a prisoner of Christ. I'm now chained to His will, tied to His word! He has my life!!!! I'm a prisoner of Christ and there's no place I'd rather be! When I didn't have sense enough to love me, God still loved me, when I was disobedient to His word, He still showed grace and mercy. Once people begin to realize that if it had not been for the Lord...THEY'D BE DEAD AND GONE! He's the only one with the power to keep us. The way we think and view this world has to be changed. The Bible tells us that we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We must be careful of how we think about where we are and how we respond to the things that happen in our life.
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