Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Because He Lives

When I was a young girl, my grandmother would burst into song at any given moment singing "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow...Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, my life is worth living, because He lives."

Can't say that I really understood it at that time but as I continue to live life and experience the ups and downs of life I can truly say I completely understand her praise. My grandmother instilled into us that only what we do for Christ will last, teaching us to stay focused on what was important in this life and know that regardless of how hard it may become we can endure because Christ continues to live and work on our behalf.

The Bible tells us in John 15:5  that “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." We are nothing without him. So because He lives and dwells within us the sky is the limit...can you tell I'm grateful today...because this was not always my testimony. I forgot that I could face tomorrow and that God was with me...I lost sight of the importance of my life and was ungrateful! So now no matter what may come I now remind myself that BECAUSE MY GOD YET LIVES ALL FEARS ARE GONE!!!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Present

It's been a minute since I contributed to my blog but I know that I was created to encourage others through my writing and I had become discouraged and self conscious about my abilities as an author. But I'm back!!!! And this is what has been laid on my heart....

I had dinner with a friend who reminded me that when living in the past, it is our attempt to keep ourselves from experiencing hurt, disappointment, etc. And at the same time it hinders us from being able to enjoy the PRESENT! As we continue to tell ourselves "oh I'll never let that happen to me again" we occupy ourselves with trying to control the world around us instead of taking things one day at a time. We should take life as it comes and not hold on to the idea that we "might" get hurt. I am guilty of this, but from this day forward I vow to live in the present. I can't allow my past experience keep me from experiencing something GREAT! With that mindset you put on the spirit of PRIDE even thinking that for one minute you are in control of your life... GUESS WHAT???!!! You're not...God is in control of all things and there is a lesson in every we shouldn't take any experience for granted! Pride is a silent killer...people think that they are protecting themselves but actually robbing themselves of the "NOW" by trying to control the past and the future. FROM THIS DAY FORWARD I'LL LIVE FOR THE NOW...BECAUSE I KNOW WHO HAS THE POWER...and it ain't me!!! Stay blessed!!!!!
